Combatting Pre-Wedding Nerves: How to Keep Calm the Week Before Your Wedding

Planning a wedding is one of the most exciting yet nerve-wracking times in a person’s life. The week before the big day, emotions can run high as final preparations are made and pre-wedding nerves can creep in. If you’ve chosen the idyllic Woods at Oakley in Wiltshire, UK as your wedding venue, you’re already ahead of the game. The serene natural surroundings will set a peaceful tone for your celebration. But how can you stay calm in the days leading up to your wedding? Here are some tips to help you stay grounded and enjoy every moment leading up to the big day.

a bride and groom walk through the woods at oakley

1. Delegate Last-Minute Tasks

By the time the week of your wedding rolls around, you should be shifting out of planning mode and into celebration mode. Trust that your vendors and wedding coordinator have everything under control. Make a clear list of any last-minute tasks that need to be done and delegate these to trusted family members or your bridal party. Whether it’s confirming the arrival time of the florist or double-checking the guest list, having others handle the details will allow you to focus on what matters: your upcoming marriage.

2. Take Time to Relax in Nature

One of the best things about getting married at The Woods at Oakley is the stunning natural setting. Take advantage of the peaceful surroundings by setting aside time for a quiet walk in the woods or even just sitting outside to soak in the beauty of nature. Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, so use this to your advantage. As you take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, remind yourself that all the planning and hard work is about to come to fruition in the most beautiful way.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or yoga, can be incredibly beneficial during the hectic days leading up to your wedding. Set aside 10-15 minutes each day to practice breathing exercises or simply focus on the present moment. This can help you centre yourself and release any tension or stress. Even a few moments of quiet reflection can make a world of difference when your mind is racing with excitement and nerves. You can also consider journaling your thoughts, which can be a great way to process any emotions leading up to the big day.

4. Keep Perspective

It’s easy to get caught up in the little details during wedding planning, but try to keep perspective. At the end of the day, the most important part of your wedding is the commitment you’re making to your partner. If something small goes awry, it’s okay. Your guests won’t notice if the flowers aren’t exactly the right shade, and your reception will still be magical even if a tiny detail is overlooked. Focus on the bigger picture and trust that your day will be perfect in its own unique way.

5. Schedule Time for Self-Care

Make self-care a priority during the week before your wedding. Whether it’s treating yourself to a massage, having a relaxing bath, or even taking time for a good book, allow yourself some “me time.” Taking care of yourself will help you feel more energized and less overwhelmed as the big day approaches.

6. Stay Connected with Your Partner

Amidst all the preparations, don’t forget to connect with your partner. Take time to remind each other why you’re doing this in the first place. Have a quiet dinner together, share your excitement, and laugh about any small wedding stresses. This will not only calm your pre-wedding nerves but also help you refocus on the love and partnership that’s at the heart of your wedding day.

a bride sitting on a swing talking to a groom standing by her in the woods at oakley

By following these tips and embracing the calm atmosphere of The Woods at Oakley, you can enjoy the final days before your wedding with joy and peace. Your wedding day is the start of a new chapter, and with a calm and mindful approach, it will be everything you’ve dreamed of.

Read about how to plan your dream wedding ceremony here.